halo halo halo.. sekian lama telah tidak terupdate blog g.. dikarenakan tidak adanya waktu bagi g selama liburan ini untuk blogging.. gak sempet ey.. hahaha. oke. mumpung masih belom terlalu lewat lama.. g pengen ucapin MERRY CHRISTMAS 2008!! buat semua yang merayakan dan memeriahkannya.. semoga berkat natal dari Tuhan menyertai kita semua.. 🙂

    ngomong ngomong natal.. penasaran gak sih.. kenapa kalo natal itu.. identik dengan Pohon Natal? pada tau gak sih.. sebenernya.. sejarah dari Pohon Natal yang sering kita liat keindahannya waktu natal selama ini? g sendiri masih penasaran beberapa waktu lalu.. dan akhirnya g googling aja deh.. dan.. g ketemu hasilnya, nih.. g mo berbagi sedikit info.. sejarah dari Pohon Natal yang identik dengan perayaan natal jaman skarang:

    Why do we have a decorated Christmas Tree? In the 7th century a monk from Crediton, Devonshire, went to Germany to teach the Word of God. He did many good works there, and spent much time in Thuringia, an area which was to become the cradle of the Christmas Decoration Industry.

    Legend has it that he used the triangular shape of the Fir Tree to describe the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The converted people began to revere the Fir tree as God’s Tree, as they had previously revered the Oak. By the 12th century it was being hung, upside-down, from ceilings at Christmastime in Central Europe, as a symbol of Christianity.

    The first decorated tree was at Riga in Latvia, in 1510. In the early 16th century, Martin Luther is said to have decorated a small Christmas Tree with candles, to show his children how the stars twinkled through the dark night.


    itu gambar diatas kalo yg g mengerti dari cerita diatas.. berarti ini gmbar pohon natal yang pertama.. kecil ya ? coba bandingin dengan yang sekarang.. udah jauh lebih indah.. bagus dan menarik hahaha.. yaudah segini dulu aja yah.. MERRY CHRISTMAS 2008!!

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  • Uncategorized 23.12.2008 6,700 Comments
    mo sharing lagu yang menurut g bagus dan keren nih.. video clipnya juga mantep.. serasa hidup di alam bebas haha..

    Sheryl Crow – Soak Up The Sun

    “Soak Up The Sun”

    My friend the communist
    Holds meetings in his RV
    I can’t afford his gas
    So I’m stuck here watching TV
    I don’t have digital
    I don’t have diddly squat
    It’s not having what you want
    It’s wanting what you’ve got

    I’m gonna soak up the sun
    Gonna tell everyone
    To lighten up (I’m gonna tell ’em that)
    I’ve got no one to blame
    For every time I feel lame
    I’m looking up o I’m gonna soak up the sun
    I’m gonna soak up the sun
    I’ve got a crummy job
    It don’t pay near enough
    To buy the things it takes
    To win me some of your love
    Every time I turn around
    I’m looking up, you’re looking down
    Maybe something’s wrong with you
    That makes you act the way you do
    Maybe i am crazy too


    I’m gonna soak up the sun
    While it’s still free
    I’m gonna soak up the sun
    Before it goes out on me
    Don’t have no master suite
    I’m still the king of me
    You have a fancy ride, but baby
    I’m the one who has the key
    Every time I turn around
    I’m looking up, you’re looking down
    Maybe something’s wrong with you
    That makes you act the way you do
    Maybe I am crazy too


    I’m gonna soak up the sun
    Got my 45 on
    So I can rock on.

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  • Personal 23.12.2008 91 Comments

    neh.. tadi g abis ngemil coklat cadbury.. iseng2 g susun susun aja bungkusannya.. menurut g sih mayan keren hahaha.. terus pencahayaannya juga pas banget nih.. gak pake edit edit segala macem dah.. langsung upload.. cuma modal resize doang hehe.. langsung aja ya..
    oh ia.. maaf cuma ada 2 gambar.. soalnya kelamaan susun yang vertikal dibawah itu.. susah loh.. soalnya tinggal bungkusnya doang.. gak ada coklatnya didaleemnya hehehe..

    susunan gaya ambruk

    susunan gaya bertingkat

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