Breaking Dawn, seri terakhir dari twilight yang udah full release dipasaran.. buku ini terbit bulan agustus 2008 yang lalu.. masih rada fresh juga sih.. dan seri ini juga termasuk yang paling tebal dibanding seri seri sebelumnya.. karena ditulis dalam 3 sudut pandang tokoh dalam twilight, oh ia bella sama edward diceritain punya anak di Breaking Dawn.. ini sinopsis dari seperti biasanya..hehe..
Bella and Edward get married, but their honeymoon is cut short by Bella’s realization that she has become pregnant. Bella’s pregnancy progresses extremely quickly and makes her very weak. She nearly dies while giving birth to her and Edward’s half-vampire-half-human daughter, Renesmee, but Edward injects Bella with his venom to save her life by turning her into a vampire. A vampire from another coven sees Renesmee and mistakes her for an “immortal child”, the existence of which violates vampire rules, and informs the Volturi. The Cullens gather vampire witnesses who can verify that the child is not one of the immortal children. The Cullens and their witnesses convince the Volturi that Renesmee is not a danger to vampires or their secret, and they are left in peace.
buat yang mau cek seri seri twilight yang sebelumnya.. silahkan click yang dibawah ini
dan buat yang gak sabar terus pengen langsung download dan baca cerita di Breaking Dawn ini, silahkan download aja deh.. hehe..
Download: Breaking_Dawn_by_Stephenie_Meyer.html