• Uncategorized 16.12.2008 6,853 Comments
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    Setelah sebelumnya saya sudah memberikan link untuk download e-book Twilight, sekarang saya mo ngasi seri ke2 dari twilight series, yaitu New Moon, nih sinopsis ceritanya dari wikipedia.com:

    Protagonist Isabella “Bella” Swan is thrown an eighteenth birthday party by Alice and Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and the rest of their vampire family. While unwrapping a gift, she receives a paper cut. Edward’s brother Jasper, although attempting a non-human diet, is overwhelmed by the scent of blood and tries to attack Bella. In an attempt to keep her safe from the world of vampires, Edward tells Bella that he and the rest of his family are leaving the town of Forks, Washington because he doesn’t want her anymore. Bella becomes severely depressed and seeks comfort with Jacob Black, an old family friend who eases her pain over losing Edward.

    Bella and Jacob begin spending a lot of time together, and Bella soon discovers that the rush of adrenaline present when she places herself in dangerous situations stimulates hallucinations of Edward’s voice. Bella begins seeking out dangerous behavior, such as riding a motorcycle, to trigger the illusions. Meanwhile, Jacob finds out that he is a werewolf, and eventually reveals this secret to Bella. The werewolves begin to protect Bella from the pursuit of the vampire Victoria, who seeks revenge for the death of her mate, James, who was killed by the Cullens in Twilight. After Bella attempts cliff-diving, she gets caught in a riptide and is rescued by Jacob.

    At the same time, Alice Cullen, Edward’s vampire sister who has visions of the future, has a vision of Bella jumping off the cliff. Presuming Bella is dead, Alice rushes to Forks to check on Charlie Swan, Bella’s father, while Edward calls Bella’s home. Jacob answers and informs Edward that Charlie is at a funeral, referring to that of a man in town who had died of a heart attack, but Edward draws the conclusion that he means Bella’s funeral. Desperate after Bella’s supposed death, Edward flies to Italy to see the Volturi, peace-keeping vampires who would be able to kill Edward, granting him leave of a world without Bella.

    Bella and Alice rush to Italy to stop Edward, and save him before it is too late. Before they leave Italy, the Volturi tell them that Bella, a human who knows of the existence of vampires, must either be killed or changed into a vampire herself. After they return to Forks, Edward explains to Bella that he only left in order to protect her, and she forgives him. The book ends with the Cullens voting in favor of Bella being changed into a vampire, much to Edward’s dismay.

    langsung aja. yang mo download:

    Download: Stephenie_Meyer_-_Twilight_02_-_New_Moon.html

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  • Uncategorized 16.12.2008 8,300 Comments
    Click on the picture above to go directly to download page

    Novel pertama dari Twilight Series yang dikarang oleh Stephenie Meyer..
    ini sinopsis cerita yang saya ambil dari wikipedia.com:

    Isabella “Bella” Marie Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her father, Charlie. She chooses to do this so that her mother, Renée, can travel with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, who is a minor league baseball player. Bella attracts much attention at her new school and is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys in the school compete for shy Bella’s attention.

    When Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black, into telling her local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires who drink the blood of animals, not humans. Edward reveals that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was so desirable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love.

    Their relationship is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks and James, a tracker vampire, decides that he wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens plan to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. Bella then gets a phone call from James in which he says that he has her mother, and that Bella must give herself up to save her. She does so and James attacks her, but Edward, along with the rest of the Cullen family, rescues Bella before James can kill her. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella’s hand, Edward sucks the venom out of her system before it can spread and change her into a vampire. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses to let happen.

    novel pertama ini nih yang filmnya keluar beberapa minggu lalu.. di novelnya ada cerita yang lebih lengkap dari filmnya, penasaran gak cerita selengkapnya dari twilight seri pertama ini:
    silahkan download e-booknya disini.. 🙂

    Download: Stephenie_Meyer_-_Twilight_01_-_Twilight.html

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  • Uncategorized 03.12.2008 7,548 Comments

    Suatu Hari, seorang anak lelaki miskin yang hidup dari menjual asongan dari pintu ke pintu, menemukan bahwa dikantongnya hanya tersisa beberapa sen uangnya, dan dia sangat lapar.

    Anak lelaki tersebut memutuskan untuk meminta makanan dari rumah berikutnya. Akan tetapi anak itu kehilangan keberanian saat seorang wanita muda membuka pintu rumah. Anak itu tidak jadi meminta makanan, ia hanya berani meminta segelas air.

    Wanita muda tersebut melihat, dan berpikir bahwa anak lelaki tersebut pastilah lapar, oleh karena itu ia membawakan segelas besar susu.

    Anak lelaki itu meminumnya dengan lambat, dan kemudian bertanya, “berapa saya harus membayar untuk segelas besar susu ini ?” Wanita itu menjawab: “Kamu tidak perlu membayar apapun”. “Ibu kami mengajarkan untuk tidak menerima bayaran untuk kebaikan” kata wanita itu menambahkan.

    Anak lelaki itu kemudian menghabiskan susunya dan berkata, ” Dari dalam hatiku aku berterima kasih pada anda.”

    Sekian tahun kemudian, wanita muda tersebut mengalami sakit yang sangat kritis. Para dokter dikota itu sudah tidak sanggup menganganinya. Mereka akhirnya mengirimnya ke kota besar, dimana terdapat dokter spesialis yang mampu menangani penyakit langka tersebut.

    Dr. Howard Kelly dipanggil untuk melakukan pemeriksaan. Pada saat ia mendengar nama kota asal is wanita tersebut, terbersit seberkas pancaran aneh pada Mata dokter Kelly.

    Segera ia bangkit dan bergegas turun melalui hall rumah sakit, menuju kamar is wanita tersebut. Dengan berpakaian jubah kedokteran ia menemui is wanita itu.

    Ia langsung mengenali wanita itu pada sekali pandang. Ia kemudian kembali ke ruang konsultasi dan memutuskan untuk melakukan upaya terbaik untuk menyelamatkan nyawa wanita itu. Mulai Hari itu, ia selalu memberikan perhatian khusus pada kasus wanita itu.

    Setelah melalui perjuangan yang panjang, akhirnya diperoleh kemenangan. Wanita itu Sembuh !!

    Dr. Kelly meminta bagian keuangan rumah sakit untuk mengirimkan seluruh tagihan biaya pengobatan kepadanya untuk persetujuan. Dr. Kelly melihatnya, dan menuliskan sesuatu pada pojok atas lembar tagihan, dan kemudian mengirimkannya ke kamar pasien.

    Wanita itu takut untuk membuka tagihan tersebut, ia sangat yakin bahwa ia tak akan mampu membayar tagihan tersebut walaupun harus dicicil seumur hidupnya.

    Akhirnya ia memberanikan diri untuk membaca tagihan tersebut, dan ada sesuatu yang menarik perhatuiannya pada pojok atas lembar tagihan tersebut. Ia membaca tulisan yang berbunyi.. “Telah dibayar lunas dengan segelas besar susu tertanda, DR Howard Kelly”.

    Air Mata kebahagiaan membanjiri matanya. Ia berdoa, “Tuhan, terima kasih, bahwa cintamu telah memenuhi seluruh bumi melalui hati dan tangan manusia.”

    sumber: http://www.rumahrenungan.com/2008/03/jangan-menerima-bayaran-untuk-kebaikan.html

    Bener bener cerita yang bagus.. menyadarkan kita kalo kita tuh gak boleh tamak.. hehe..

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