• Uncategorized 13.05.2009 8,240 Comments

    The aims of this award:
    • As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
    • To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!

    Here are the rules of the award:
    • Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
    • Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
    • Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
    • Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
    • Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.

    And this is the reasons Why I love blogging…
    to kill my boredom wihtout doing anything, to have more friends than before, and because blogging is something fun hehe…

    Tag: Everyone Who See It! Pick This Up! 😀

    makasi banget buat Tilche, yang udah g kasi award, rasanya lama banget sejak gk aktif blogging dapet award hehe.. makasi ya.. 🙂


  • Uncategorized 29.01.2009 8,218 Comments

    dapet pe-er foto aib dari audrey.. xD

    1. put this award on your blog
    2. put your very or the most aib photo, with no edit of
    3. give this award to people you know [min. 2]

    waduh foto aib ? mampuslah hahaha.. nih ada 1 foto aib.. kenapa aib? soalnya waktu pemanasan ini g aneh banget.. orang mo mukul bola koq gitu ga
    yanya hahaha
    tapi gak gitu aib juga sih.. hahaha.. xD

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  • Uncategorized 22.12.2008 21,276 Comments
    Makasi buat Sasri..
    atas awardnya yang banyak banget ini..
    sampe bingung.. gak ada penjelasannya.. award apa aja ini..
    tebak tebak aja dah ya? haha..



    “Best Friends”?


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