• Uncategorized 12.02.2009 6,395 Comments

    hahaha.. ad ada aja nih.. tadi g dapet forwardan email dari nci g..
    mentang2 mau valentine katanya ada sapi valentine gitu.. dikepalanya ada tanda hati..
    nih langsung aja ya.. gak tau deh photoshop apa bukan.. xD

    Rabu, 11 Februari 2009 | 10:35 WIB

    FUJISAWA, RABU ? Kehebohan terjadi di kawasan peternakan di Jepang.
    Seekor anak sapi jantan lahir dengan tanda hati di kepalanya di kompleks
    peternakan Yamakun, Fujisawa, dekat Tokyo.

    Kazunori Yamazaki (51), pemilik sapi itu, mengatakan, ini adalah berkah
    menjelang hari Valentine. Warga di sekitar lokasi juga menjuluki sapi
    aneh itu sebagai “sapi Valentine”.

    Ia mengatakan, sapi berwarna kehitaman dan tanda hati berwana putih itu
    lahir selamat pada hari Minggu (8/2).

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  • Uncategorized 11.02.2009 4,439 Comments

    mungkin diantara beberapa kalian udah ada yang tau Digsby.
    salah satu program super praktis dan simple yang memudahkan kita untuk Online Messenger, dapetin email update, dan social network activity update seperti Facebook hanya dengan 1 program saja. lebih hemat memori, dan simpel.. 🙂

    berikut ini feature2 digsby yang g ambil langsung dari websitenya..

    Instant Messaging
    • One combined buddy list for all your AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, Jabber, and Facebook Chat Accounts.
    • Manage multiple conversations with tabbed conversation windows. You can drag tabs out into their own windows for important conversations.
    • Rename contacts with an alias so you don’t have to remember buddy names like ‘giantsfan123’.
    • If one of your friends has more than one IM account you can combine them into a single merged contact to eliminate duplicate buddies.
    • Send your friends SMS messages right from the IM window.
    • The InfoBox lets you check everyone’s status message and profile just by moving your mouse down the list.
    • Changing your status has never been easier. just one click right on the buddy list!
    • Multitask while you chat. Minimize the IM window and you see popups of new IM’s. Best of all, you can reply right from the popup and get back to what you were doing.
    • Log conversation history and find the information you need our search-enabled log viewer.
    • And so much more.
    • Manage your Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL/AIM Mail, IMAP, and POP accounts right from digsby.
    • Get popup notifications when new email arrives. Clicking a popup takes you right to the message with auto-login into webmail accounts.
    • The email InfoBox gives you a snapshot of your unread messages with just one click
    • Perform actions such as “Mark as Read” or “Report Spam” right from the email InfoBox.
    • Send emails to your friends right from the IM window. The email is sent directly from any account digsby is tracking for you.
    Social Networking
    • Stay up to date with everything happening on your Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and LinkedIn accounts.
    • Receive alerts of events such as new friend requests, messages, group invites, etc.
    • The social network InfoBox gives you a real time NewsFeed of what your friends are up to. Everything from new photos, to status updates, to upcoming birthdays is just a click away.
    • Set your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn status right from Digsby.
    • Customize digsby with application skins to give it a personal look and feel.
    • Change the way your conversations look with themes – everything from simple AIM-style windows to 3D conversation bubbles.
    • Complete control over the layout of buddies on the buddy list. Change everything from buddy icon size to whether or not to show a snippet of their away message.
    • Sort your buddy list how ever you want! You can organize buddies manually, by status, by service, by name or by log size to place those you communicate with most at the top. You can even choose a secondary sorting method.
    • Customizable notification system lets you choose what events you want to be alerted about and how.

    • Digsby offers complete synchronization between computers and installations. Everything from the skin you chose to your pre-defined status messages follows you from place to place.
    • You can place a widget on your blog, website, or social network profile so you can chat with visitors right from digsby.
    • Manage multiple simultaneous file transfers from one simple transfer manager.

    Bener bener praktis.. jadi tunggu apa lagi? langsung aja download clientnya di:


    dan nikmatin kemudahan baru dalam beraktivitas di dunia maya.. haha.. 😀

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    halo halo halo.. sekian lama telah tidak terupdate blog g.. dikarenakan tidak adanya waktu bagi g selama liburan ini untuk blogging.. gak sempet ey.. hahaha. oke. mumpung masih belom terlalu lewat lama.. g pengen ucapin MERRY CHRISTMAS 2008!! buat semua yang merayakan dan memeriahkannya.. semoga berkat natal dari Tuhan menyertai kita semua.. 🙂

    ngomong ngomong natal.. penasaran gak sih.. kenapa kalo natal itu.. identik dengan Pohon Natal? pada tau gak sih.. sebenernya.. sejarah dari Pohon Natal yang sering kita liat keindahannya waktu natal selama ini? g sendiri masih penasaran beberapa waktu lalu.. dan akhirnya g googling aja deh.. dan.. g ketemu hasilnya, nih.. g mo berbagi sedikit info.. sejarah dari Pohon Natal yang identik dengan perayaan natal jaman skarang:

    Why do we have a decorated Christmas Tree? In the 7th century a monk from Crediton, Devonshire, went to Germany to teach the Word of God. He did many good works there, and spent much time in Thuringia, an area which was to become the cradle of the Christmas Decoration Industry.

    Legend has it that he used the triangular shape of the Fir Tree to describe the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The converted people began to revere the Fir tree as God’s Tree, as they had previously revered the Oak. By the 12th century it was being hung, upside-down, from ceilings at Christmastime in Central Europe, as a symbol of Christianity.

    The first decorated tree was at Riga in Latvia, in 1510. In the early 16th century, Martin Luther is said to have decorated a small Christmas Tree with candles, to show his children how the stars twinkled through the dark night.


    itu gambar diatas kalo yg g mengerti dari cerita diatas.. berarti ini gmbar pohon natal yang pertama.. kecil ya ? coba bandingin dengan yang sekarang.. udah jauh lebih indah.. bagus dan menarik hahaha.. yaudah segini dulu aja yah.. MERRY CHRISTMAS 2008!!

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